Recording Issue In Smartauditorall About Citrix

  • Perform this test by opening the command prompt and pinging the Citrix Gateway FQDN. The FQDN should resolve to the IP address of your Citrix Gateway. If it does not, then verify your DNS settings or the Hosts file on the local machine. Go to the Root Cause table for the NetScaler Gateway.
  • You can confirm the cause of the issue by filtering and reviewing the Windows application event for Source set to 'Citrix SmartAuditor Storage Manager' and log events with message set to 'Data lost while recording file:.icl bytes missing.'
downloadWhy can't I download this file?
  • Receiver for Chrome Client logs

  • Receiver for Chrome Console logs

  • Receiver for HTML5 Client logs

  • Receiver for HTML5 Console logs

  • Instructions

    Instructions to collect Receiver for Chrome Client logs

    Complete the following steps to collect Receiver for Chrome client logs:

    1. Click on “Settings” button at the right bottom corner of the Receiver logon screen.

    2. Click “Start Logging” button to enable logging from the “Account” dialog.
      Notice, the button changes to “Stop Logging”. This indicates logging is enabled.

    3. Close the “Account” dialog.

    4. Launch your XenDesktop/XenApp session on which the problem is reproducible.
      Continue to work on the session to reproduce the issue.

    5. Once the problem is reproduced, close the session.

    6. Click the “Settings” button again to open the “Account” dialog.

    7. The “Account” dialog shows the list of log files captured.

    8. Moving the mouse on top of the file shows small arrow at the right

    9. Click on the button to download and save the file.

    10. Save all the log files listed under “Log Files” and share it with the administrator or Citrix support engineer.

    11. Click on “Stop Logging”

    Note: In case of Kiosk mode, files can be saved to a “USB removable device”.

    Instructions to collect Receiver for Chrome console logs

    Complete the following steps to collect Receiver for Chrome console logs:

    1. Open “chrome://inspect” page in chrome browser.

    2. Go to Apps tab.

    3. Click on “inspect” on all windows related to Citrix receiver : SessionWindow.html, Main.html (and its child nodes).

    4. Click on “console” in opened developer tool.

    5. Save the log via right click “save as” option to a file.

    Instructions to collect Receiver for HTML5 client logs

    1. Log on to the Receiver for Web site.
    2. For Citrix Workspace app HTML5 versions 1908 and later, open a new tab and navigate to siteurl/Clients/HTML5Client/src/SessionWindow.html#engineType=log, where siteurl is the URL of the Receiver for Web site (http://server.domain/Citrix/StoreWeb).
    For Citrix Workspace app HTML5 versions 1907 and earlier, open a new tab and navigate to siteurl/Clients/HTML5Client/src/ViewLog.html, where site url is the URL of the Citrix Receiver for Web site (http://server.domain/Citrix/StoreWeb).
    3. On the logging page, click Start Logging
    4. On the Receiver for Web site, access a desktop or application using Receiver for HTML5
    5. The log file generated for the Receiver for HTML5 session is shown on the logging page. You can also download the log file for further analysis.


    Recording issue in smartauditorall about citrix workspace
    1. Logging will be enabled for subsequent session launches, and not for the current active session (if any)
    2. For Receiver for HTML5 version 2.2 and above a tool bar menu “Logging” has been added to enable and view the logs for Receiver for HTML5

    Instructions to collect Receiver for HTML5 console logs

    1. Open Developer tools on the browser tab where session is running. For example, on chrome browser Developer tools can be found under “More Tools” option.
    2. Click on “console” in opened developer tool.
    3. Save the log via right click “save as” or by copying text.

    For USB redirection related issues:

    Workspace for Chrome (formerly known as Receiver for Chrome)

    1. Before collecting the Workspace for Chrome (formerly known as Receiver for Chrome) logs, Please enable moreLogs for USB by adding the moreLogs configuration key in chromeAppPreferences in web.config file on the storefront.
    • chromeAppPreferences ='{'moreLogs':{'usb':true}}'
    2. Please share the logs from chrome://device-log as well

    Workspace for HTML5 (formerly known as Receiver for HTML5)

    1. Before collecting the Workspace for HTML5 (formerly known as Receiver for HTML5) logs, Please enable moreLogs for USB by adding the moreLogs configuration key in configuration.js file 'moreLogs':

    Recording Issue In Smartauditorall About Citrix Cloud

    'usb': true
    2. Please share the logs from chrome://device-log as well
    downloadWhy can't I download this file?
  • ) Go to Citrix StoreFront management console > Server Group > Base URL, confirm that the StoreFront Base URL includes a full FQDN and not a hostname or an IP address.
  • ) For a single server deployment, on the StoreFront server, ping the StoreFront Base URL, and verify if the Base URL resolves to the StoreFront server local IP address.
  • For more information, please refer to CTX235907 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' Due to DNS Misconfiguration on StoreFront
    4. Verify loopback feature configuration if it is used while connecting through Receiver for Web.
    1. ) Go to Citrix StoreFront management console > Stores > Manage Receiver for Web Sites > Configure > Advanced Settings
    2. ) Verify Enable loopback communication / Loopback port when using HTTP is configured accurately according to your deployment.
    For more information, please refer to CTX224790 – StoreFront Loopback Feature
    5. Verify the certificates installed on StoreFront Server is correct and also not expired. On all the StoreFront servers,
    1. ) Open the IIS console > Servername > Server Certificates
      • Make sure the Certificate Issued To name matches the StoreFront Base URL.
      • View the Certification Path tab on the certificate and confirm that all the Intermediate and Root certificates are properly installed.
      • Make sure the Expiration Date is not expired.
    2. ) On the IIS console > Servername > Sites > Default Web Site > Bindings. Make sure there is a binding for HTTPS over port 443 with a certificate that matches the StoreFront Base URL assigned to it.
    For more information, please refer to CTX235908 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' Due to Certificates Misconfiguration on StoreFront
    6. Verify the authentication is correctly configured on the StoreFront server.
    1. ) Open Citrix StoreFront management console > Stores > Manage Authentication Methods. Make sure user name and password is enabled in Authentication Methods.
    2. ) Open Citrix StoreFront management console > Stores > Manage Receiver for Web Sites. Make sure user name and password is enabled.
    3. ) In Active Directory, confirm the User Logon Name matches the User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000).
    4. ) In Storefront server, if there is error in the Event Viewer for 'An unexpected error occurred storing the credentials' (Event ID 8) or 'An error occurred during authentication' (Event ID 3), run the following PowerShell command and then restart the Citrix Credential Wallet Service:
    For more information, please refer to CTX235909 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' Due to Authentication Misconfiguration on StoreFront
    7. Verify StoreFront Services are running on StoreFront Server. Open Services.msc console
    1. ) Verify if the Citrix Default Domain Services Windows Service is running.
    2. ) Verify if the Citrix Credential Wallet Service is running.
    3. ) Verify if the Citrix Peer Resolution service is running.
    For more information, refer to CTX235915 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' Due to Stopped StoreFront Services
    8. Confirm communication between StoreFront server and the Domain Controller is not blocked, port 88 and port 389 are open. From all StoreFront servers,
    1. ) Telnet Domain Controller FQDN 88
    2. ) Telnet Domain Controller FQDN 389
    For more information refer to article Communication Ports Used by Citrix Technologies
    9. Verify if antivirus firewall is installed on the StoreFront servers.
    1. ) Disable the antivirus firewall and test the connection.
    2. ) Exclude the StoreFront ports within the antivirus firewall.
    For more information refer to the following links:
    Communication Ports Used by Citrix Technologies
    On-Access scan appears to cause IIS application pools to recycle?
    Performance issues with specific applications after installing VirusScan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 4
    10. Confirm the connection to Store by not using a third-party proxy. If you are receiving the error only when the third-party proxy is in place, please refer to the configuration on your Proxy Server.
    For more information, refer to article CTX235918- Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' Due to Proxy Configuration
    11. If you experience the error after publishing a new application or customizing an application’s icon,
    1. ) Check the event viewer on the StoreFront server and look for the following errors:
    1. ) Go to Citrix Studio > Delivery Groups > Applications > Properties of the application recently added >Delivery > Application Icon, Change and choose from any of the Citrix default icons.
    For more information refer to article, refer to CTX235970 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' After Publishing New App or Customizing App’s Icon on StoreFront
    12. If you get this error after upgrading the StoreFront server,
    1. ) Navigate to C:inetpubwwwrootCitrix<StoreName>Web and delete Default.html file.
    2. ) Create a new test store and copy Default.html to C:inetpubwwwrootCitrix<StoreName>Web
    For more information, please refer to CTX235919 - Error: 'Cannot Complete Your Request' due to “Default.htm” file being corrupted on Storefront
    13. Verify if there is any special character in Delivery Group names on Citrix Studio > Delivery Groups, if yes, in Actions panel, go to Rename Delivery Group and remove the special character.

    Steps to narrow down the issue

    Recording Issue In Smartauditorall About Citrix Login

    Please identify through which connection the issue is occurring by performing the following tests:

    Recording Issue In Smartauditorall About Citrix Employee

    1. Test if you get the error when connecting directly to the StoreFront server.
    1. ) On an internal machine, open %SystemRoot%system32driversetchosts file.
    2. ) Add the FQDN shown in the StoreFront Base URL and the StoreFront server local IP address to the hosts file, and save.
    1. ) Connect to the store using StoreFront Base URL from Citrix Workspace app, submit user credentials or launch published app/desktop, verify if the error “Cannot complete your request” is reproduced.
    2. ) If not able to reproduce, continue with step 2 or step 3.
    2. Test the connection to your Citrix Gateway.
    1. ) On a test machine, open command prompt.
    2. ) Ping the Citrix Gateway FQDN. The FQDN should resolve to the IP address of your Citrix Gateway.
    3. ) If not, please refer to CTX286601- Common Resolutions to “Cannot Complete Your Request” Error when connecting through Citrix Gateway
    3. Test connection to the load balancer.
    1. ) On a test machine, open command prompt.
    2. ) Ping the StoreFront base URL FQDN. The FQDN should resolve to the IP address of your load balancer.
    3. ) If not, please refer to CTX286594 - Common Resolutions to “Cannot Complete Your Request” Error when connecting through Load Balancer

    Recording Issue In Smartauditorall About Citrix Workspace


    Additional Resources

    CTX286601- Common Resolutions to “Cannot Complete Your Request” Error when connecting through Citrix Gateway
    CTX286594 - Common Resolutions to “Cannot Complete Your Request” Error when connecting through Load Balancer