How To Change Xenapp 6.5 Sql Account Name?all About Citrix

  1. Sql Accounting
  2. How To Change Xenapp 6.5 Sql Account Name All About Citrix Server
  3. How To Change Xenapp 6.5 Sql Account Name All About Citrix Server
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In the Welcome to the Citrix XenApp 6.5 Hotfix Rollup Pack 7 Installation Wizard page, click Next. In the Citrix XenApp has been successfully configured page, click Close. Click OK when prompted to reboot. XenApp 6.5 Hotfixes. Download post-R07 hotfixes from by searching for XA650R07. Ok Marc, I always like a good challenge so I wrote the script. It first stops IMA, then modifies the MF20.DSN. It runs the dsmaint config & recreatelhc command and then starts IMA on all remote servers in the input.txt file. Citrix XenApp 6.5 Lesson 2 Installing the first XenApp server into the farm. How to Install SQL Server 2012 Express and SQL Server Management Studio 2012 Express - Duration: 17:27.

Sql Accounting

  • XenDesktop 5.6
  • XenDesktop 5.5
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Mar 11, 2017 On the XenApp server hosting the SQL Server Express data store, a new Data Source Name (DSN) must be created for the new SQL database. Go to Start - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC) and navigate to File DSN tab. Change the Look in to C: Program Files (x86) Citrix Independent Management Architecture as shown below. One challenge for Citrix administrators over the years has been the need for different consoles for many of the Citrix management tasks. In XenApp 6.0, Citrix has consolidated almost all administrative tasks in one console called the Delivery Services Console. In XenApp 6.5, Citrix has enhanced this console and changed the name to AppCenter.


This article describes how to move an existing XenDesktop database from one SQL server to another.


Complete the following procedure to move an existing XenDesktop database from one SQL server to another:

Sql accounting
  1. Disconnect all Services from the existing database:
    1. On each Desktop Delivery Controller (DDC) in the site, start PowerShell using the Run as administrator option.

    2. Copy and paste the following code into the PowerShell window:

    3. Leave the PowerShell window open for Step 4.

  2. Back up and restore the database:
    Note:Do a get-configDBConnection beforehand to get the name of the SQL database, because it may not always be called CitrixXenDesktopDB

    For SQLExpress installations, run the following command at the cmd prompt on the DDC that contains the database:

    sqlcmd -S LOCALHOSTSQLEXPRESS -q 'Backup Database CitrixXenDesktopDB to disk = 'database-backup-location-directory-path' (example: C:backuptest.bak)
    For more information regarding backing up and restoring databases, see

  1. Create Machine logins for all DDCs on the new database server:

    1. ​Start SQL Server Management Studio or SQLCMD on the SQL server housing the restored database.

    2. XenDes​ktop 5.x uses machine accounts of the DDC servers to access the database directly. Create machine account logins for each of the DDCs in the site.

    3. Each of the machine accounts should have their Database role membership set to the following roles:








  1. Redirect DDCs to the new database:
    1. At each DDC, copy and paste the following lines into the open PowerShell window where <dbserver> is the name of your SQL server and <dbname> is the name of the XenDesktop database:

      Note: If you are not using the default SQL Server instance, the Server= dbserver element should be specified as Server= dbserverinstancename. If you do not specify the instance name, you might see a message of Failed rather than OK when running the various preceding commands.

  1. Start Desktop Studio to confirm that your site is fully operational.

    Note: It is important to verify that all of the Set-<service>DBConnection commands mentioned have returned a result of OK. If a result other than OK is returned for any of these commands, it might be necessary to enable logging or tracing to determine the cause of the connection failure.

The XDDBDiag utility can be used to verify the consistency of your database after the move.

If any Virtual Desktop Agents were running when the DDC services were shut down in Step 1, then it could take up to 10 minutes before the Virtual Desktop Agents re-register. No other action is necessary.

Note: The preceding procedure and PowerShell commands must be run on every DDC in the Farm. If not, the Desktop Studio will not open.

Additional Resources

For XenDesktop 7.x - How to Migrate XenDesktop Database to New SQL Server

CTX128075 - XDDBDiag for XenDesktop

CTX127254 - XenDesktop 5.6 SDK Cmdlet Help

How To Change Xenapp 6.5 Sql Account Name All About Citrix Server

CTX114501 – Supported Databases for Citrix Products


How To Change Xenapp 6.5 Sql Account Name All About Citrix Server

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